Return Policy

Return Policy

Purchases made from Fusion Chem website can be returned by creating a return request within 15 days of purchase date provided that the item must be undamaged and in intact condition as you received. It must be in the original packaging box with all accessories. In case of default, refund will not be processed.

The goods must not have been used, Protective films on products must be intact and must be complete with all components and the packaging must not be damaged. Note that if these conditions are not met we may not accept returned goods.

We recommend that you use a tracked delivery service when returning your item back to us as we are not liable for any loss or damage while in transit.

To initiate a return, kindly mail/ contact us highlighting the reason for return with attached invoice or proof of purchase and order ID.

Return request raised after the lapse of 15 days from the date of purchase will not be entertained. Contact below to initiate your return:-Click Here



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